
Hello from Bulma + Gatsby

A Bulma CSS + GatsbyJS Starter Kit Download

Uses Bulma

Bulma is an open source CSS framework and used by more than 100,000 developers.

JAMStack Solution

It’s a new way of building websites and apps that delivers better performance, higher security, lower cost of scaling, and a better developer experience.

Gatsby + React?

Uses Gatsby's version v2, enjoy the power of the latest web technologies. All set up and waiting for you to start building.

Responsive Design

Bulma is based on the Flexbox model and built with Sass. The simplest grid system Just add columns, they will resize themselves, like this website.

Open Source

This starter kit is MIT Licensed. Need I say more?🤑

Starter Kit

This starter kit is target to developers who are looking forward to use Bulma along with GatsbyJS. You can read more in the documentation on how to get started.

This website was handcrafted with plenty cups of

By Aman Mittal (@amanhimself) using Gatsby + Bulma


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